Visiting Artist Series: Moon and Arrow

Visiting Artist Series: Moon and Arrow

Visiting Artist Series - Moon and Arrow

I am so excited to share that this month I was invited to be the visiting artist at Moon and Arrow, a conscious and sustainable shop located in Philadelphia. They very kindly host a visiting artist series each month, meaning that they invite a new local artist into the shop for a month at a time. In the fall of 2024, I had seen an Instagram story that they shared asking for artists to apply for 2025. I applied, not really expecting to hear back because I figured the application volume would be high. I did though, and I was lucky enough to be offered February! 

As you know, February is the month of Valentine's Day. I struggled for a bit about what to make because my usual stones are blues and greens, and I'm not really a pink gal. However, I reached out to one of the lapidary artists that I love working with to see what he had in "pink, but not pink-pink." He offered me some options, and I absolutely loved the pink brecciated jasper he had. It has really soft pinks and purples in the coolest pattern. I got to choose the shapes and the sizes, and then Jordyn got to cutting. I loved them even more once I got to see them in person.

I also typically don't plan out my collections - I just wing it and make what I feel like making. This time, I challenged myself to plan ahead and I actually love the mood board / plans that I came up with. It involves some casted pieces, some hand fabricated pieces, and a spin on a staple design of mine that I think you might love. I'll be sharing the final pieces on my Instagram during the month of February, but you'll have to stop by Moon and Arrow to see them in person.

Having this opportunity is also really exciting for me because it helps me meet a goal I had set for myself - to be in a store. I can't wait to see how this month goes there, and I hope you like what I have made. If you're in or near Philadelphia, check it out!

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