Scraggly Pines 🌲

Scraggly Pines 🌲

This is a vulnerable one to write. I want this blog to be about jewelry and creativity, but I also want to write occasionally about myself, so you can get to know the me behind my art.


Have you ever had an influential figure in their life that can’t stop fixating on their weight? I think we all have - it’s the sad part of being human that there’s such an emphasis on appearance. However when I think of those I admire I don’t think about how they look. I think of how they comforted me on that hard day, how their laugh lights up a room, how big they love others, or how proud I am of them for doing ~that really cool thing~ that they did.
One prominent figure in my life *never* stopped commenting on her arms. How big they are, how they’ve stretched and changed with age. No matter how much time passed between visits and how many other, far more important things we had to catch up on, it always made an appearance in conversations. It definitely left a mark and stuck with me because as an adult, I can be insecure about my arms and her words echo in my head.
Well, I recently got a tattoo on my arm. It’s a tiny one, a small pine tree to remind me of my scraggly Maine pine trees, the salty air, and strength swaying against the wind. To remind me of freedom and days spent laughing. To remind me of the ocean and the coast and those I’ve shared that space with. 
Going into it I had no idea it would have this effect, but now I love looking at my arm. Seeing my tattoo reminds me of all the things I mentioned above. I often admire it - in the shower, as I lay about to fall asleep, when I’m getting dressed for the day. It’s winter and cold now but I can’t wait to admire it during warm summer nights spent laughing with friends, too! 
I wonder what would happen if we all celebrated our bodies and how unique they are. Mine carries me up mountains, lets me squeeze my partner as tight as I want, has hand strength to bend tricky ring bands into place, and go on walks every weekend with dear friends. 
Now, I’m not suggesting you get a tattoo to add confidence - but you could! You could also buy (or make) a new piece of clothing that makes you feel absolutely radiant, instead of the trendy stuff. You could do something that makes you feel strong (for me that’s running and hiking), or make something that you can wear around with you every day to celebrate it, too! I don’t know - let’s all just be kinder to ourselves and find things we love, instead of tearing apart what we hate. 

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