Finding Creativity

Finding Creativity

I just finished my most recent big project - the launch of the Montana Agate Collection. This collection was nine pieces of jewelry - 3 necklaces, 3 rings, and 3 pairs of earrings. That may not seem like a lot of jewelry, but it was hours upon hours of my time. I spent multiple hours ethically sourcing my stones from an amazing lapidary artist in Montana. I also spent time picking out recycled packaging to send packages out in, and sterling silver sheet + wire. Once I had the stones in-hand, I designed each of the settings, built the settings, polished them, set the stones, then polished them again. You'd think I'm done there right? Nope, then there's the hours and hours spent on product photography, photo editing, culling to only the best photos, creating the listings, and marketing the release on social media.

That was a long-winded was of saying I was very, very invested into this collection. I was so excited about how the launch went and so inspired to make more jewelry, but when I sat down at my bench to create I came up blank. I stared at a group of stones on my bench and had no clue what direction to take any of them in. Investing so much creative energy and time into one collection and then finishing it leaves me feeling a bit lost, which I'm trying to come to terms with. It's a strange feeling! However, my favorite piece in the Montana Agate collection (shown above) came from me stewing over it and trying multiple different ideas over many different days, so hopefully the same comes here too.

Does anyone else struggle with finding creativity again after a big project is completed? What do you do to bring it back? I think I might start with an easy project - pick out a gorgeous stone and just make the most simple of rings from it. Easing back in can help me. Another thing I do is just take a break, and reminding myself that that's ok to do! It's hard to remember that in the world of social media, where it feels like constantly running on a hamster wheel to keep up with everyone else and keep yourself relevant; but the best pieces from me can come from a nice long break from the bench. I'll definitely be back soon with some new pieces though :) 

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