Acadia Mountain: Jewelry Adventure Stories

Acadia Mountain: Jewelry Adventure Stories

My ultimate goal is to make jewelry that is inspired by nature - whether it be as simple as the stone reminding me of a certain place, or as complex as these cut-flower earrings or including pine trees in my pieces. I always love to find new ways to incorporate nature - so far I’ve made pine tree earrings, a pine necklace, and even included some hidden pine cutouts under the stones in ring settings, known only to the wearer. 

These flower earrings were inspired by beach roses on the coast of Maine. Last summer I had the joy of biking the Schoodic Loop in Acadia National Park and one of the places we stopped for a beautiful view was along this vast row of beach rose bushes set up right against the ocean. Watching those pink flowers sway in the wind against the calming blue ocean waves and salty air was a highlight of that bike ride. When I got these blue-green Larimar stones that reminded me so much of the ocean waves and seaweed, I knew exactly what I had to make. 

Once I finished these earrings the beach roses were no longer in bloom, but I did get to hike Acadia Mountain while wearing them. Sweaty and feeling accomplished, I took this photo at the top to remind myself where my jewelry can take me - from fancy dinners to hiking mountains!

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